Thursday, November 18, 2010

When Disaster Becomes the Backdrop For Childhood

This week I chose to read an article about a 4 year old boy facing numerous hardships in Haiti.
The main points of the article are:
  • "Amid a growing cholera epidemic, two weeks after a hurricane threat and 10 months after losing his left leg in an earthquake, 4-year-old Schneily Similien was turned away from school."
  • His family owes the school tuition money: about $875 U.S. dollars.
  • boy's left leg and foot where crushed by concrete, and he has a prosthetic leg
  • family lost their make-shift home when hurricane Tomas barely bypassed Haiti- the winds destroyed their house.
  • their famly has avoided the cholera epidemic by treating their water with chlorine and being very careful
  • Schneily's artificial leg is cracked and causes him to be unable to walk straight.
  • family tries to make money by running  a roadside "grocery store"
  • cannot afford Schneily's education
My thoughts and prayers go out to this little boy who has suffered so much in his 4 years of life. He lost a leg, can't go to school because his family can't afford it, lost homes in hurricanes, and his prosthetic leg is even breaking. It is a blessing that they have been able to avoid the cholera epidemic thus far, and I hope their luck stays with them. They could use some good fortune. I feel for everyone in Haiti who has been through so much. They continue to get bombarded with disaster, and they keep pushing through. They are extremely strong people, and I admire them for that.

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