Monday, November 29, 2010

Authorities: Armed Student Holding Hostages

This week I chose to read an article about a student who was holding hostages in a highschool. The main points of the article are:
  • An armed student burst into a high school classroom in eastern Wisconsin on Monday, taking more than 20 students and a teacher hostage
  • A Marinette High School administrator called authorities after 3 p.m. to say a student had taken over a classroom
  • authorities had been able to communicate with the teacher inside the classroom. No injuries had been reported as of Monday evening and Skorik said no shots had been fired.
  • police know the identity of the suspect and have contacted that student's family.
This story is fresh, so these are the most updated details they have at this time. Basically, this student came armed into a classroom, and is continuing to hold the teacher and 20 students hostage.

The thing that frightens me the  most about this story is that the student, at this time, appears to have no motive. That can be the most dangerous kind of armed student. On the positive side, at least the authorities have communication with the teacher in the classroom, and they know who the student is. I can't imagine how scary it would be to be in a hostage situation. I feel for all the students and the teacher that are in that position right now, and I hope that everything turns out alright.

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